Changes and silence

Hello @everyone !
First of all, a huge sorry for the long silence! Balancing work, projects, and real life isn’t always easy. I originally planned to complete the Steam integration and submit the demo there, but unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned.
But don’t worry: The project is very much alive! There have just been some major changes that took time to implement. Here’s a quick overview of what has changed and what’s coming next:
Technical Updates & Gameplay Changes

  • The level generator has been updated to the new Godot Tilemap system.
  • The weapon system has been revamped:
    • Weapons now have fixed base stats and receive a random type of ammo.
    • Ammo can no longer be swapped or manually adjusted.
    • Instead of an energy system, weapons now have a fixed amount of ammunition.
    • Players can carry multiple weapons and switch between them (more slots can be unlocked via perks).
    • Weapons from chests can either be picked up or dismantled, granting weapon parts.
  • Enemies drop gold and experience, which are needed for leveling up.
  • When leveling up, you can choose from a variety of perks.
  • Perks come in different rarity tiers:
    • Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Superunique.
  • Weapon parts can be used at randomly appearing Weapon Forge Stations to upgrade weapons.
  • Gold can be spent to reroll perks.
  • Perks affect various character stats such as damage, speed, etc.

Additional Changes & Improvements

  • A damage calculation model has been implemented, factoring in different armor and damage types.
  • Chests, gold veins, and XP sources now spawn randomly in extra rooms.
  • Enemy density in rooms is now logically based on room size.
  • The deeper you go in a level, the stronger the enemies become.
  • Defeated enemies now leave behind corpses.
  • Hit enemies leave blood splatters, making navigation easier.
  • The enemy bullet system has been reworked to run on Godot’s Physics and Rendering Server, allowing for lag-free rendering of a high number of bullets—after all, this is a Bullet Hell game!

What’s next?
Right now, I’m working on more perks and additional weapons. Once that step is complete, the demo level will be expanded with more content. Additionally, new videos and GIFs showcasing the current state of the game will be released soon—so stay tuned! 😊🎥
Thanks for your patience and support!

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